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Configure OpenLDAP

We will just need a very basic configuration of Ldap, as Keycloak will populate it.

You can use docker-compose to mount an OpenLdap server basically populated at startup.

1. Install OpenLdap with docker-compose

Here's the necessary docker-compose.yml file, deploying OpenLdap server along phpldapmyadmin web interface:

version: '3'
      image: osixia/openldap
        - ./admin.ldif:/container/service/slapd/assets/config/bootstrap/ldif/admin.ldif
      #args: [ "--copy-service" ]
      command: "/bin/sh -c '/container/tool/run --copy-service --loglevel debug'"
        - .env
      tty: true
      stdin_open: true
      # For replication to work correctly, domainname and hostname must be
      # set correctly so that "hostname"."domainname" equates to the
      # fully-qualified domain name for the host.
      domainname: ""
      hostname: "ldap"
      image: osixia/phpldapadmin
        - openldap
        PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_HOSTS: "openldap"
        PHPLDAPADMIN_HTTPS: "false"

You will need to create a .env file with following elements (replace the variables):


2. Add a custom .ldif file

We can use the following admin.ldif file, considering that root cn already exists:

dn: cn=admin, dc=domain, dc=org
changetype: modify
replace: o
o: Complete Organization Name

dn: ou=people, dc=domain, dc=org
changetype: add
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: people

dn: uid=superadmin, ou=people, dc=domain, dc=org
changetype: add
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: superadmin
cn: Super
sn: Admin
employeeNumber: 1

dn: ou=groups, dc=domain, dc=org
changetype: add
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: groups

dn: cn=admin, ou=groups, dc=domain, dc=org
changetype: add
objectClass: groupofNames
cn: admin
ou: Admin Group
member: uid=superadmin, ou=people, dc=domain, dc=org

The file, binded to /container/service/slapd/assets/config/bootstrap/ldif/admin.ldif will be used when running server within docker-compose via command /container/tool/run --copy-service.

3. Deploy the stack

Run docker-compose up -d to deploy the server.

Access phpmyadmin at and connect with user cn=admin, dn=domain, dn=org and password set in env.

4. Create domain under master

You don't want to work in master, instead, you want to keep master as a top-level Realm and create a realm inside for your organisation.

Click on master in the upper-left, then Add Realm.

5. Set keycloak to federate users from openldap server

5.1 Create new User Federation

Go to your newly created realm (not master), and click on Configure > User Federation, then Add provider

screenshot showing user federation creation

5.2 Configure Openldap user federation

Basic settings

Use following settings for User federation :

screenshot showing basic settings for user federation creation

5.2.2 Add mapper for group

Go to Mappers tab, and click on Create on the upper-right.

screenshot showing mapper settings for group mapping