Utiliser Python pour l'administration système¶
1. Built-in functions¶
1.1 Python open
1.1.1 Open a file¶
- official doc
- Official tutorial
1.1.2 Manipulate file object¶
- official tutorial
2. Default Librairies¶
2.1 sys¶
2.1.1 Introduction¶
library gives us some infos about the system we are working on.
Import it in your code with import sys
2.1.2 Usage¶
function | result |
sys.getwindowsversion() |
Return a named tuple describing the Windows version currently running. |
sys.modules¶ |
a dictionary that maps module names to modules which have already been loaded. |
sys.platform |
a platform identifier ( aix | linux | win32 | cygwin | darwin ) |
sys.stdout |
stdout |
sys.stdin |
stdin |
sys.stderr |
interpreter’s own prompts and its error messages |
sys.version¶ |
version number of the Python interpreter |
2.1.3 Ressources for sys
- official doc
2.2 platform
Access to underlying platform’s identifying data
2.2.1 Usage¶
function | result |
platform.machine() |
Returns the machine type, e.g. i386 |
platform.processor() |
Returns the (real) processor name, e.g. amdk6 |
platform.release() |
Returns the system’s release, e.g. 2.2.0 or NT |
platform.system() |
Returns the system/OS name, such as Linux , Darwin , Java , Windows |
platform.win32_ver() |
return a tuple (release, version, csd, ptype) referring to OS release, version number, CSD level (service pack) and OS type (multi/single processor) |
platform.mac_ver() |
Get Mac OS version information and return it as tuple (release, versioninfo, machine) |
platform.linux_distribution() |
Tries to determine the name of the Linux OS distribution name. |
2.2.2 Ressources for platform
- official doc
2.3 os¶
2.3.1 Import os
import os
2.3.2 Unix-like commands¶
unix | python |
ls |
os.listdir |
rmdir |
os.rmdir |
mkdir |
os.mkdir |
rm |
os.remove |
chmod |
os.chmod |
chown |
os.chown |
cd |
os.chdir |
pwd |
os.getcwd |
uname |
os.uname |
mv |
os.replace |
ln -s |
os.symlink |
kill |
os.kill |
wait |
os.wait |
2.3.3 Scan a dir¶ Example¶
with os.scandir(path) as it:
for entry in it:
if not entry.name.startswith('.') and entry.is_file():
print(entry.name) Doc¶
- official doc
2.3.4 Doc for os
- official doc
2.4 os.path¶
2.4.1 Import os.path
import os
2.4.2 Usage¶
syntax | résultat |
os.path.basename(path) |
Renvoie le nom de base du chemin d'accès path . |
os.path.dirname(path) |
Return the directory name of pathname path . |
os.path.isfile(path) |
Return true if path is an existing regular file ` |
os.path.isdir(path) |
Return true if path is an existing directory ` |
os.path.islink(path) |
Return true if path is asymbolinc link reffering to an existing directory ` |
os.path.ismount(path) |
Return true if path is a mountpoint ` |
os.path.join(path, *paths) |
Join one or more path components intelligently. |
os.path.split(path) |
Split the pathname path into a pair, (head, tail) |
2.4.3 Doc for os.path
- official doc
2.5 shutils
offers high-level operations on files.
2.5.1 Usage¶
unix | python |
cp |
shutils.copy |
cp -R |
shutils.copytree |
rm -R |
shutils.rmtree |
mv |
shutils.move |
df |
shutils.disk_usage |
2.5.2 Doc for shutils
- official doc
2.6 Rechercher un fichier¶
2.6.1 Avec fnmatch
¶ Exemple¶
import fnmatch
import os
for file in os.listdir('.'):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.txt'):
print(file) Ressources¶
- official doc
2.6.2 Avec glob
¶ Example¶
>>> os.listdir(".")
['main.py', '.git', 'debian.py', 'README.md']
>>> glob.glob('*.py')
['main.py', 'debian.py'] Ressources¶
- official doc
2.7 Gérer les processus¶
2.7.1 Utilisation de subprocess
>>> import subprocess as sub
>>> a = sub.run(['ls', '-l'],capture_output=True,text=True)
>>> print(a.stdout)
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 makayabou makayabou 0 nov. 5 01:54 debian.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 makayabou makayabou 34 nov. 4 20:47 main.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 makayabou makayabou 79 nov. 4 19:46 README.md
>>> print(a.returncode)
2.7.2 Utilisation de shlex
To avoid bash injection, it's good to use shlex
to pass shell commands in a python script.
>>> import shlex
>>> command = "grep -irn python ."
>>> split_command = shlex.split(command)
>>> print(split_command)
['grep', '-irn', 'python', '.']
>>> sub.run(split_command)
2.7.3 Ressources¶
- official doc for subprocess
- official doc for shlex
2.8 Network library: socket
2.8.1 Usage¶
command | result |
socket.getfqdn([name]) |
Return a fully qualified domain name for name. |
socket.gethostbyname(hostname) |
Translate a host name to IPv4 address format. |
socket.gethostbyname_ex(hostname) |
Translate a host name to IPv4 address format, extended interface. |
socket.gethostname() |
Return a string containing the hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently executing. |
socket.gethostbyaddr(ip_address) |
Return a triple (hostname, aliaslist, ipaddrlist) |
socket.bind(address) |
Bind the socket to address. |
socket.connect(address) |
Connect to a remote socket at address. |
2.8.2 Ressources¶
- official doc for socket
2.9 Créer une TUI¶
(Text User Interface) sont des interfaces en ligne de commande,
qui permettent de proposer un dialogue clair avec l'utilisateur.
On utilisera la librairie curses
, équivalent de ncurses
en bash.
2.9.1 Installation¶
import curses
2.9.2 Ressources¶
- official doc for curses
- official how-to for curses
- a tutorial on devdungeon.com
3. Other modules to go further¶
psutil (process and system utilities) is a cross-platform library for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network, sensors.
pip install psutil
3.2 PsDash¶
psdash is a system information web dashboard for linux using data mainly served by psutil
pip install psdash
3.3 Remote Resources MaNaGeMeNT¶
Remote Resources MaNaGeMeNT (rrmngmt) helps you manage remote machines and services running on that. It is targeted to Linux based machines. All is done via SSH connection, that means SSH server must be running there already.
pip install python-rrmngmnt